HackTheBox – Sherlock – Lovely Malware
Challenge: https://app.hackthebox.com/sherlocks/Lovely%20Malware An employee at NeirCyber Security discovered a suspicious file named employee_benefits.exe on their desktop. The employee...
HackTheBox Sherlock: Subatomic
Challenge: https://app.hackthebox.com/sherlocks/Subatomic Introduction Forela is in need of your assistance. They were informed by an employee that their...
HackTheBox Sherlock – Heartbreaker-Continuum
Introduction Following a recent report of a data breach at their company, the client submitted a potentially malicious...
HackTheBox – GamePwn Challenge: CubeMadness1
Link: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/cubemadness1 Gotta collect them all. Challenge Description Conclusion My initial direction seemed to be a bit over...
HackTheBox: Context Fortress
After several long days, I finally was able to pwn my first fortress on HackTheBox! Context by Context...
HackTheBox: Forensics Challenge – Red Failure
Note: I am stumped on this particular challenge. Below is how far I’ve gotten. Link: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/red-failure During a...
HackTheBox: Forensics Challenge – MarketDump
Link: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/marketdump This challenge provides us with a .zip that only contains a single MarketDump.pcapng file. The challenge...
HackTheBox: Forensics Challenge – Reminiscent
Link: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/reminiscent Our unzipped folder gives us a Resume.eml, imageinfo.txt and flounder-pc-memdump.elf memory dump file. Let’s check out...
HackTheBox – Bolt
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/Bolt Enumeration TCP Port Scan Preliminary port scan reveals SSH on port 22 and two web servers...