HackTheBox Sherlock: Subatomic
Challenge: https://app.hackthebox.com/sherlocks/Subatomic Introduction Forela is in need of your assistance. They were informed by an employee that their...
HackTheBox: Forensics Challenge – Red Failure
Note: I am stumped on this particular challenge. Below is how far I’ve gotten. Link: https://app.hackthebox.com/challenges/red-failure During a...
HackTheBox – Bolt
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/Bolt Enumeration TCP Port Scan Preliminary port scan reveals SSH on port 22 and two web servers...
HackTheBox – Forge
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/forge Enumeration An initial tcp version detection scan reveals we have ports 22 and 80 open for...
HackTheBox: Writer
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/361 IP: NOTE: Halfway through I got stuck so I stopped and came back later. It...
Hack The Box: Seal
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/Seal Enumeration TCP Port Scan Our nmap scan reveals 2 open ports and 21 other filtered ports,...
Hack The Box – Intelligence
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/357 Uncredentialed Enumeration TCP Port Scan Our initial port scan reveals 10 open ports, including: SMB, web...
Hack The Box – dynstr
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/dynstr Enumeration nmap – tcp port scan We have SSH, DNS BIND and a web server open...
Hack The Box – Pit
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/Pit Enumeration We have OpenSSH v8.0 on port 22, nginx 1.14.1 on port 80 and port 9090...
Hack The Box: Schooled
Link: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/Schooled Enumeration Our nmap scan reveals we have two open services, OpenSSH 7.9 and Apache 2.4.46. We...