HackTheBox – Sherlock – Lovely Malware
Challenge: https://app.hackthebox.com/sherlocks/Lovely%20Malware An employee at NeirCyber Security discovered a suspicious file named employee_benefits.exe on their desktop. The employee...
HackTheBox Sherlock: Subatomic
Challenge: https://app.hackthebox.com/sherlocks/Subatomic Introduction Forela is in need of your assistance. They were informed by an employee that their...
HackTheBox Sherlock – Heartbreaker-Continuum
Introduction Following a recent report of a data breach at their company, the client submitted a potentially malicious...
TryHackMe: Advent of Cyber 2024
I’ve spent the past few weeks tackling TryHackMe’s Advent of Cyber 2024. Some of my favorite challenges were:...
S550 Mustang IPC Reverse Engineering
Note: This post was published 4 Feb 2024, but was based off of research and work completed back...
Odd phishing link
Friend sent me a strange message she got with the following link: Attempt 1: www I booted into...
BTLO – Investigation: Xhell
Link: https://blueteamlabs.online/home/investigation/80 As part of their regular job, ZYX Company employees need to deal with a lot of...
BTLO – Investigation: Link
Link: https://blueteamlabs.online/home/investigation/95 “I am a crime journalist for a reputed news agency. I was taking some notes last...
BTLO – Investigation: Exxtensity
URL: https://blueteamlabs.online/home/investigation/81 Browser extensions are a persistent mechanism to access victim’s system. The company decided to check all...
BTLO – Investigation: Exposed
Link: https://blueteamlabs.online/home/investigation/86 You got a mail. “Congratulations on progressing to the next stage of the selection process. The...