Malware Analysis – Mirai Wicked Sample – 9Jan2025
Analysis of a sample from Malware bazaar: MalwareBazaar | SHA256 a01d53662d83c31a5b4478bc57fc4fee1ba9d4f6178a94a107c472133adea368 (Mirai) Stage 1 The initial download is...
S550 Mustang IPC Reverse Engineering
Note: This post was published 4 Feb 2024, but was based off of research and work completed back...
QAKBot Campaign 6Apr2023
Correspondence Sender Subject Attachment Name Attachment Hash (with VirusTotal link) clemke[@]e-chuppah[.]com RE: New Borrowers AK.pdf 9521bc74735d1300e182eaa98299023ba08acc9af17b85cc50b3938c99bd0b32 aschaden[@]shopbarbay[.]com FW:...
Trojan.Kryptic – 22 Mar 2023
Initial Email An email was discovered from comel[@]industry-mass[.]com. This site was created within the last 15 days.The email...
Odd phishing link
Friend sent me a strange message she got with the following link: Attempt 1: www I booted into...
Finding x-callback-url / Deep Link of iOS Apps
I find often I like doing automations between apps. While you can use the Open App functionality with...
Wordle Reverse Engineered
I’ve been seeing posts for this wordle game on my facebook, and it seems to be alight on...