I’ve been deep into collecting and displaying metrics in my new job, and I decided to do some metrics collection about some of my smart devices and the computers in our network.
Windows Machines
My wife and I both game on Windows PCs, so I used Windows_Exporter to collect metrics:
I have the application running at boot so I get these metrics whenever my computer turns on. It’s pretty useful from the default dashboard I grabbed from Grafana.
Homebridge Data Sync
Eric Turner
30 Jun 2022
Pulls accessories from Homebridge, Loads into InfluxDB for Grafana
import requests
import json
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point, WriteOptions
root_url = "http://*:8581/api"
def login():
key = requests.post(root_url + '/auth/login', json = {"username": "*", "password": "*"}).text
key = json.loads(key)
return key["access_token"]
def accessories(key):
data = requests.get(root_url + '/accessories', headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + key}).text
data = json.loads(data)
if 'statusCode' in data :
if data['statusCode']== 401:
key = login()
return data
def send_data(data_point, name, value, capture_time):
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", org="home") as _client:
with _client.write_api(write_options=WriteOptions(batch_size=500,
exponential_base=2)) as _write_client:
_write_client.write(bucket="home",record=Point(data_point).field(name, value).time(capture_time))
def parse(data):
# varibles
ring_status = {0:"Home", 1: "Away", 3: "Disarmed"}
ring_uuid = "0000007E-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291"
nest_status = {0: "Off", 1:"Heating", 2: "Cooling", 3:"Auto"}
nest_uuid = "0000004A-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291"
nest_eco_uuid = "00000049-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291"
for accessory in data:
if accessory['uuid'] == ring_uuid:
ring_current_status = accessory['values']['SecuritySystemCurrentState']
elif accessory['uuid'] == nest_uuid:
# convert celsius to fahrenheit
if accessory['values']['TemperatureDisplayUnits'] == 1:
nest_current_temp = 9.0/5.0*(accessory['values']['CurrentTemperature']) + 32
nest_target_temp = 9.0/5.0*(accessory['values']['TargetTemperature']) + 32
nest_current_temp = accessory['values']['CurrentTemperature']
nest_target_temp = accessory['values']['TargetTemperature']
nest_humidity = accessory['values']['CurrentRelativeHumidity']
nest_current_status = accessory['values']['CurrentHeatingCoolingState']
elif accessory['uuid'] == nest_eco_uuid and accessory['serviceName'] == 'Eco Mode':
nest_eco_mode = accessory['values']['On']
print("Ring Status: {}".format(ring_status[ring_current_status]))
print("Nest Status: {}".format(nest_status[nest_current_status]))
print("Nest Current Temp: {}".format(nest_current_temp))
print("Nest Target Temp: {}".format(nest_target_temp))
print("Nest Eco Mode: {}".format(nest_eco_mode))
from datetime import datetime
current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
send_data("ring", "status", ring_current_status, current_time)
send_data("nest", "status", nest_current_status, current_time)
send_data("nest", "current_temp", nest_current_temp, current_time)
send_data("nest", "target_temp", nest_target_temp, current_time)
send_data("nest", "eco_mode", nest_eco_mode, current_time)
#with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
#json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
I wrote some custom python code to communicate with the Homebridge server and grab some metrics about my Nest Thermostat and my Ring security system. May look into grabbing more info later.
Linux Server
After my wife and I upgraded our machines, I had enough leftover parts to slap together another server. The CPU and MOBO are from 2014 though and I remember the CPU had overheating issues at the time, which is why I upgraded. This dashboard is to help monitor the system.
This system is also the one running Prometheus, Grafana and the custom python code to communicate with Homebridge (on a 1min crontab job).