Ecco l’elenco dei 200 verbi piĆ¹ importanti in italiano.
italiano | English |
abitare | to live in |
abituarsi | to get used to |
accadere | to happen |
accendere | to turn on / switch on |
acquista | to buy |
affittare | to rent out |
aiutare | to help |
amare | to love |
andare | to go |
apparire | to appear |
appartenere a | to belong |
appellarsi | to appeal |
appendere | to hang |
aprire | to open |
arrivare | to arrive |
ascensore | to lift |
ascoltare | to listen |
aspettare | to wait |
assaggiate | to taste |
attirare | to attract |
augurare | to wish |
avere | to have |
baciare | to kiss |
battere | to beat |
bere | to drink |
bisognare | to need |
cadere | to fall |
calcolare | to reckon |
cambiare | to change |
camminare | to walk |
cancellare | to delete |
cantare | to sing |
capire | to understand |
catturare | to catch |
cenare | to have dinner |
cercare | to look for |
chiamare | to call |
chiamarsi | to be called |
chiedere | to ask |
chiudere | to close |
collegare | to plug |
comportarsi | to behave |
comprare | to buy |
condividi | to share |
condurre | to lead |
confrontare | to compare |
conoscere | to get to know |
consentire | to allow |
contare | to count |
correre | to run |
costare | to cost |
creare | to create |
credere | to believe |
crescere | to grow |
cucinare | to cook |
cuocere | to cook |
dare | to give |
deciderare | to decide |
decomprimere | to unclasp |
desidera | to want/desire |
dimenticare | to forget |
dipingere | to paint |
dire | to say |
discutere | to argue |
disegnare | to draw |
dispiacere | to be sorry |
disturbare | to disturb |
diventare | to become |
divertirsi | to have fun |
doccia | to shower |
dormire | to sleep |
dotare | to endow |
dovere | must/shall |
entrare | to enter |
essere | to be |
fare | to do / to make |
ferire | to hurt |
fermare | to stop |
festeggiare | to celebrate |
finire | to finish/end |
fumire | to smoke |
gara | to race |
giocare | to play |
godere | to enjoy |
gridare | to cry / shout |
guadagnare | to earn |
guardare | to watch |
imparare | to learn |
incontrare | to meet |
indossare | to wear |
infastidire | to annoy |
informare | to inform |
iniziare | to start / begin |
installare | to install |
interessare | to interest |
inviare | to send |
invitare | to invite |
lasciare | to leave, to let |
lavare | to wash |
lavorare | to work |
leggere | to read |
mancare | to miss |
mandare | to send |
mangiare | to eat |
mentire | to lie |
mettere | to put |
morire | to die |
mostrare | to show |
nascere | to be born |
nascondere | to hide |
nevicare | to snow |
nuotare | to swim |
odiare | to hate |
offerta | to offer |
ordinare | to order |
ottenere | to get |
pagare | to pay |
parlare | to speak |
partire | to leave |
pensare | to think |
perdere | to lose |
piacere | to like |
piovere | to rain |
portare | to bring |
porre | to ask |
potere | can, to be able to |
pranzare | to have lunch |
prendere | to take |
preparare | to prepare |
presentare | to introduce |
provare | to try |
pulire | to clean |
raccomandare | to recommend |
ricercare | to search |
ricevere | to receive |
ricordare | to remember |
ridete | to laugh |
rimanere | to stay |
ringraziare | to thank |
riparazione | to repair |
ripetere | to repeat |
riposare | to rest |
rispondere | to reply |
risposta | to reply |
risvegliare | to rouse |
rompere | to break |
rubare | to steal |
salire | to go up |
salutare | to greet |
sapere | to know |
scaricare | to download |
scegliete | to choose |
scendere | to get off |
scrivere | to write |
scusarsi | to apologize |
sedere | to sit |
seguire | to follow |
sembrare | to seem |
sentire | to feel |
sento odore di | to smell |
servire | to serve / to need |
significare | to mean |
sognare | to dream |
sorridere | to smile |
sparare | to shoot |
spedire | to mail |
spegnere | to shut down |
sperare | to hope |
spiegare | to explain |
spingere | to push |
sposare | to marry |
spostare | to move |
stampare | to press |
studiare | to study |
svegliarsi | to wake up |
tagliare | to cut |
telefonare | to phone |
tenere | to hold |
tentare | to attempt |
tirare | to pull |
toccare | to touch |
tornare | to return |
tradurre | to translate |
traslocare | to move out |
trovare | to find |
usare | to use |
uscire | to exit |
vedere | to see |
vedi | to see |
vendere | to sell |
venire | to come |
viaggiare | to travel |
vietare | to prohibit |
vincere | to win |
visitare | to visit |
vivere | to live |
volare | to fly |
volere | to want |
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